{4d02 malus^bonus}   [what means ^ ?]

Meaning Quod certo scimus impedire quominus boni alicujus simus compotes - what we certainly know to be a hindrance to us in the attainment of any good. [cf. notes page on bonus]
Mantras [what is] boni et [exl. non-exh] mali (not exhaustive since most things are neither)
Related concepts {4d01 bonus^malus} and {4d02 malus^bonus} are one-of-two-redundant definitions. They form a exclusive exhaustive complement-triple with zero-utility
Occurrence [geomap] Preoccurs from {3p39}
{4p64 Cognitio mali inadaequata}                                           ... evil cannot be adequately known ...
... The knowledge of evil is an inadequate knowledge ... Cognitio mali cognitio est inadaequata

Equivalence claims involving malus^bonus
{3p39} 1. more painful 2. worse 1. tristius 2. majus malum
{3de18} 1. Pity 2. pain accompanied by the idea of evil, which has befallen someone else whom we imagine to be like ourselves 1. Commiseratio 2. tristitia concomitante idea mali quod alteri quem nobis similem esse imaginamur, evenit.
{3de23} 1. Envy 2. hatred, in so far as it induces a man to be pained by another's good fortune, and to rejoice in another's evil fortune. 1. Invidia 2. odium quatenus hominem ita afficit ut ex alterius felicitate contristetur et contra ut ex alterius malo gaudeat.
{3de36} 1. Anger 2. the desire, whereby through hatred we are induced to injure one whom we hate 1. Ira 2. cupiditas qua ex odio incitamur ad illi quem odimus malum inferendum.
{3de37} 1. Revenge 2. the desire whereby we are induced, through mutual hatred, to injure one who, with similar feelings, has injured us. 1. Vindicta 2. cupiditas qua ex reciproco odio concitamur ad malum inferendum ei qui nobis pari affectu damnum intulit.
{3de39} [notes] 1. Timidity 2. the desire to avoid a greater evil, which we dread, by undergoing a lesser evil. 1. Timor 2. cupiditas majus quod metuimus malum minore vitandi. 
{4d02} [notes] 1. evil 2. that which we certainly know to be a hindrance to us in the attainment of any good. 1. malum 2. id quod certo scimus impedire quominus boni alicujus simus compotes
{4p50} 1. evil 2. useless 1. mala 2. inutilis
{5p09} 1. evil 2. hurtful 1. malus 2. noxius